My Community


I am creating an e-commerce store to sell vitamin and mineral supplements, The Vitamin Mineral Shop and its specialty site Artichoke Supplement.

I am in the process of creating, marketing, and doing search engine optimization work for three affiliate marketing sites I have for KitchenAid mixers.  There is KitchenAid Pink MixerKitchenAid Professional 600 Mixer and KitchenAid Commercial Mixer.

I am also in the process of creating, marketing, and doing search engine optimization work for two affiliate marketing sites I have for John Wayne Collectables.  There is John Wayne Collectables and John Wayne Collectables – Films.

I just created and did some search engine optimization for my new site, Tony Curtis Movies.

I created a new site to learn about some Amazon Hacks and generate commissions, my Presto 04821 Orville Redenbacher Hot Air Corn Popper site.

I have also created a new site for Leslie Nielsen Movies, similar to my Tony Curtis Movies site.

My cousin Rosanne and her husband Bill recently sold their business, the Glendale Auto Supply.

My cousin Alison and her husband Bruno are running Custom Designed Woodwork, Inc.

I just created a new movie site, Will Smith Movies List, which does something a little different than my other movie sites, it has a list of movies at the top and the titles are clickable, taking you to the description for that movies.

I am currently doing work for a client of Mark Maupin, Manny Ortega of Ortega’s Appliance Service Today in the Albuquerque NM area.  I created this site for him:

I have just started a brand new site to market as an affliate the News Publisher software for posting press releases on press releases sites.  The best domain name for the site I could get was one with dashes.  Go see: Press Release Submission Software.

I recently created a website for James Bond Movies. This started as a demo for the WCCCD internet marketing community.

I also did a demo for the WCCCD Internet Community with Clint Eastwood Movies, but I have not proceeded further with the site.